How Much Blue Dye to Color One Acre Pond
Is your pond a shade of green that you don't like? The proper application of pond dye to any discolored pond can do wonders. If you're not familiar with how it works, look no further, this is the last guide you'll ever need on pond dye!
Available in liquid form and dry packets, it is a coloring agent designed to improve your pond's water quality, block a significant amount of sunlight, and will augment the overall beauty of your pond. We will help you to understand the role of pond dye, its benefits, and guide you to find the right dye for your pond or lake.
Pond Dye: The Benefits
Pond dye has a wide range of uses and benefits. It is the first step in a proactive pond maintenance strategy.
1. Manually Change and Maintain the Color of Your Pond
One of the obvious benefits is that it changes the color of your pond water. There are a few different shades of blue available on the market that we will go into depth on a little later. Pond dye will also act as a screen for UV rays, so it can be used all year long to maintain color and clarity.
2. Control the Growth of Algae
Long summer days of sunlight will promote overgrowth of submerged aquatic plants and algae. Pond dye actually shades the pond from specific UV rays, that slows the growth and keeps your water cleaner. Emergent plants like cattails and floating plants like water lilies will not be affected.
Properly using pond dye decreases the need for algaecides. Jumping to harsh chemicals that kill algae directly can be harmful to your pond.
3. Protection for Fish
Additional benefits of using pond dye is that the color acts as a shade so it is difficult for predators to see the fish below, hiding the fish from their detection. Also as temperatures go up, dissolved oxygen levels in the pond go down. Since the dye acts as shade it will keep the water cooler and your fish will have a healthier oxygen supply during the hot summer months. All of this creates a healthier ecosystem in your pond or lake.
Pond Dye Colors
Give your water an aesthetic beauty ranging from tropical lagoon blue to aqua marine.
Pond dye colors that are available now on the market include bright blue, dark blue, blue-green, and black. No matter what color you choose, the dye protects the pond the same way. Personal preference is the only factor when choosing the color! However, different shades on dye are better suited to different environments. Considering your pond's features and its natural look are important.
Bright Blue Pond Dye:
Do you have a decorative pond or lake? UltraClear Blue Concentrate is the ideal choice for any size pond. UltraClear Blue Concentrate is highly concentrated, very economical and easy to control the intensity of the blue color. It is completely biodegradable and organic. It will be neutralized by many natural pond bacteria and only takes 1 quart to treat an acre.
Dark Blue Pond Dye:
Check out Farm Blue Dry Packs for a darker shade of blue. These dye packets are completely organic, very highly concentrated, non-toxic when used properly and 100% biodegradable – so there is no toxic build-up! Each 12 ounce container treats one surface acre (average depth of 4 feet). Toss these easy to use water soluble packets into different areas of the pond.
Aqua Blue Pond Dye:
If you want the look of a tropical paradise, let us recommend Diversified Waterscapes F-40 Enviro Blue , the product of choice when water shading and coloring are desired for that natural "ocean blue-green" look and feel. The liquid blue dye formulation is effective in reducing light penetration while adding natural beauty to the water. Rids water of that dirty, stagnate, off-color appearance and restores aquatics to a healthy Caribbean blue.
Black Pond Dye:
Consider Diversified Waterscapes F-X Night Shade . It creates a mirrored surface that reflects surrounding trees and natural rocky landscapes, making it perfect for natural ponds in wooded areas. A unique blend that will screen UV rays, while restoring discolored water and giving it a natural mirror-like appearance. F-X Night Shade goes deep and wide to give your water its natural appearance and protects it.
Red Pond Dye:
Considered for special occasions like Valentines day or sometimes used on golf courses, red is not an exceptionally popular color choice when pond owners are looking to dye their pond.
If there's a different shade you are looking for, try mixing dyes together to make your own custom color!
Take note: adding dye to a pond that has a pre-existing problem can have effects on the way the dye exhibits its color. For example, if you added some UltraClear blue pond dye to a very green pond, it can potentially make the pond more green. Because the pond already seems to have an algae growth problem. That's why we'd recommend using dye together with a proactive pond aeration strategy.
How Safe is it?
Two common questions people have about any additive to their pond: is it safe for the fish and will the dye stain?
In its diluted form, it is environmentally safe and non-toxic, and will not stain fish, plants, pets, or other wildlife.
In its concentrated form, it can stain. Wear gloves, boots and work clothes when applying to your pond or lake.
Once the dye is mixed in with the water, it is now diluted and safe for the environment, wildlife, aquatic life and pond recreation like boating, swimming and fishing.
How to Apply
Adding dye to your pond is fairly easy. For the liquid, just pour the concentrated pond dye into the water in several areas, a few feet in from the pond's edge.
For the water-soluble pond dye packets, toss in several areas towards the middle of the pond.
Start off with less than the recommended amount, you can always add more dye, and that is easiest, since you can't remove it, and pond dyes on average will last between 6-8 weeks depending on the amount of rainfall.
If video is a better way to learn for you, check out our video on the pond dye packets.
Pond Depth Considerations
If you don't know the average depth of your pond, it will be a little harder to estimate how much to apply, but once you start adding you will quickly see how much is needed. Please refer to our pond sizing chart to help you estimate. Most dyes are packaged so it will treat up to one acre with an average depth of 4′ deep.
If you are unsure of the depth, apply a small amount of the liquid dye at a time. Immediately after the application, you will see the color spread throughout the water especially if you have a fountain in the pond, this will speed up the mixing process. This is the easiest way to apply, since you can keep adding until you get the color you want.
How Long Will Pond Dye Last?
Typically pond dye will last in your pond for about a month or two. When using a product like the UltraClear dyes we offer, natural pond bacteria neutralize it. This means that repeated use won't result in build up or toxicity.
How to Estimate Pond or Lake Size
For the quickest way to get your pond's size, check out our new pond calculator! Knowing the volume of your pond is crucial when it comes to adding dye. As you know by now, adding too much can result in too much tint. Blocking sunlight in an excessive manner leads to poor pond health consequences. As with all things in life, too much of any one thing is never good!
Sample of Pond Dye Application and Concentration:
We poured a very small amount, about a quarter of a cup of dye into this pond, so you can see just how blue it makes the water. We poured it at the shore where the water is murky and it turned a vibrant blue. When a floating pond fountain orlake aerator is in the pond, it will evenly distribute the dye.
Browse our selection of pond dye products or give us a call to answer any further questions you have! We're eager to help.
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